Civics Bill Tracker
Tracking American Civics Legislation
Last updated February 10, 2025
United States — Federal
A bill to prohibit the use of certain American History and Civics Education program funds for curriculum, or teaching or counseling, that promotes or compels a divisive concept (Senate Bill 227).
Crucial Communism Teaching Act (HB 5349) supports teaching students about the horrors of Communism.
A bill to develop and disseminate a civic education curriculum and oral history resources regarding certain political ideologies, and for other purposes (Senate Bill 634 and Senate Bill 3679) improves civics education by strengthening civics curriculum.
Crucial Communism Teaching Act (House Bill 6123) supports teaching students about the horrors of Communism.
To prohibit the expenditure of funds on divisive concepts (Senate Bill 2682) would strengthen prohibitions of critical race theory.
Recognizing the importance of establishing a national “Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution” (House Resolution 74 and Senate Resolution 19) would have a mixed effect on civics education, since Korematsu’s case is indeed worth knowing in itself, but Korematsu is an icon of racialized resentment, and a Korematsu Day would be used to facilitate radical identity politics instruction.
Developing Innovative Partnerships and Learning Opportunities that Motivate Achievement (DIPLOMA) Act (House Bill 10208) would worsen civics education by funding action civics.
Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Act (House Bill 9584) would provide federal funding for censorship under the pretext of “media literacy.”
Office of Civic Bridgebuilding (Senate Bill 4196) would facilitate and fund action civics.
Climate Change Education Act (Senate Bill 4117 and House Bill 7946) would fund and require radical environmental activism in social studies classes.
CIVICS Act of 2023 (Senate Bill 2775) would worsen civics instruction by authorizing civic engagement.
Youth Voting Rights Act (House Bill 5293) would require action civics nationwide.
Teaching Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander History Act (House Bill 3434) would worsen civics instruction by facilitating radical identity politics curriculum.
Teaching Asian Pacific American History Act (House Bill 3188 and Senate Bill 1546) would worsen civics instruction by facilitating radical identity politics curriculum.
Expressing support for developing supportive, inclusive, safe, and responsive public schools (House Resolution 219) would worsen civics education by facilitating radical pedagogy.
Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Act (Senate Bill 394) would worsen civics education by facilitating the credulity in radical propaganda that goes under the guise of “media literacy.”
To clarify that the scope of the National Endowment for the Humanities includes the study of civics and government (House Bill 1133) would worsen civics education by allowing action civics advocates to disburse moneys via the National Endowment for the Humanities.
DIPLOMA Act Developing Innovative Partnerships and Learning Opportunities that Motivate Achievement Act (Senate Bill 5204 and House Bill 9454) would worsen civics education by diverting federal education grants to programs with “a multitude of community partners.”
Building Civic Bridges Act (House Bill 6843 and Senate Bill 4530) would worsen civics education by funding civic engagement.
Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Act (House Bill 8216 and Senate Bill 4490) would worsen civics education by funding ideologically biased “media literacy” education.
Civics Secures Democracy Act (Senate Bill 4384) would worsen civics education by providing federal support for action civics.
USA Civics Act of 2022 (Senate Bill 4403) would worsen civics education by amending the Higher Education Act in tandem with the Civics Secures Democracy Act.
Teaching Asian Pacific American History Act (Senate Bill 4275) would worsen civics education by funding radical identity-politics historical research and teaching.
No Child Left Inside Act of 2022 (Senate Bill 4041 and House Bill 7486) would weaken civics education by authorizing service learning linked to “environmental literacy.”
To amend the National and Community Service Act of 1990 to establish an Office of Civic Bridgebuilding within the Corporation for National and Community Service, and for other purposes (House Bill 6843) worsens civics education by funding “civic engagement.”
Youth, Peace, and Security Act of 2021 (House Bill 4838) weakens civics education by supporting action civics abroad.
Teaching Engaged Citizenship Act of 2021 (House Bill 5288) weakens civics education by financing action civics.
National Family Service Learning Week (House Resolution 761) weakens civics education by commending service-learning.
CIVICS Act of 2021 Constitution education Is Valuable In Community Schools Act of 2021 (Senate Bill 2737) weakens civics education by authorizing civic engagement.
National Family Service Learning Week (Senate Resolution 439) weakens civics education by commending service-learning.