State Elected Official Candidate Pledge

The United States of America is an exceptional nation, sustained by providence, whose people have made liberty a fundamental principle of their government and their common culture.

All Americans should revere our Founding Fathers, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, as well as leaders who deepened its commitment to liberty, such as Susan B. Anthony, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

America’s schools should teach our children to take pride in their country founded upon liberty and equality, to be grateful to their forefathers who dedicated and sometimes sacrificed their lives to preserve America, and to know the great deeds of the best Americans.

American civics education should teach the founding principles and documents of the United States, the key events of American history, the structure of our self-governing federal republic, the functions of government at all levels, how our governing institutions work, and the spirit of liberty and tolerance that should animate our private interactions with our fellow citizens.

American civics education should teach students to regard one another as individuals fundamentally united by their common humanity, common citizenship, common liberty, and common affection for one another.

American civics education should not divide students by race, sex, or any other group identity, teach hatred of America, encourage a partisan political position, or replace classroom instruction with extracurricular political activism.


I, {NAME}, pledge to the parents and citizens of {NAME OF STATE}, to restore freedom, fairness, excellence, and love of America to all publicly funded K-12 schools in this state, and to remove from them the teaching and practice of Critical Race Theory, action civics, and any other doctrine or pedagogy that aims to foment racial division or replace classroom instruction with political activism.

As an elected official, I will fulfill my pledge to restore public school education by having the state immediately enact legislation drawn from these 10 model bills and modified to fit the state’s existing structure of laws.

1. Partisanship Out of Civics Act

The Partisanship Out of Civics Act forbids schools from using the intellectual components of Critical Race Theory or action civics and gives teachers and students conscience protections against Critical Race Theory and action civics mandates. The Act also prevents state bureaucrats from taking federal money to forward Critical Race Theory and action civics.

2. Civics Course Act

The Civics Course Act mandates a year-long high school civics course, including requirements to study the primary documents of the American founding and bans on the intellectual components of Critical Race Theory and action civics.

3. United States History Act

The United States History Act mandates a year-long high school United States History course, including requirements to study the primary documents of American history and bans on the intellectual components of Critical Race Theory and action civics.

4. Academic Transparency Act

The Academic Transparency Act requires school employees to post immediately on a public website all school materials, including standards, curricula, lesson plans, committee remits, and professional development and training material.

5. Financial Transparency Act

The Financial Transparency Act requires school districts to post immediately on a public website a transparent, detailed financial statement that itemizes all expenditures.

6. Contractor Nondiscrimination Act

The Contractor Nondiscrimination Act requires contractors for school districts to prohibit the use of Critical Race Theory policies that require discrimination by race, sex, or other group identity.

7. Legislative Review Act

The Legislative Review Act requires legislative approval for any new state course standard.

8. School Board Election Date Act

The School Board Election Date Act shifts school board election dates to the same day as the general election.

9. Schools Nondiscrimination Act

The Schools Nondiscrimination Act mandates that no one should be either included or excluded from our nation’s content standards, curricula, trainings, textbooks, and other school materials on account of their race, sex, or other group identity.

10. Values Assessment Act

The Values Assessment Act prohibits public schools from assessing, rewarding, or punishing students, teachers, or administrators for their level of commitment to any value or attitude.
